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Happy Springtime!
By Kate McMullan
Illustrated by Sujean Rim
March 2021

When winter is at its coldest and darkest, take heart! Every day the sun shines longer, Spring is on its way!
All winter, the days grow a little bit longer,
The nights grow a little bit shorter,
until the day becomes exactly as long as the night.
On that day we say...
This bright, bouncy, and deliriously colorful picture book is an ode to the joys of spring, encouraging everyone who waits out the slow lengthening of days through the end of winter. From earmuffed crossing guards to sweater wearing dogs, from painters of flowers to planters of seeds, Happy Springtime! celebrates the burst of life following the thaw of winter.
This lovely tribute to the renewal of life and possibilities and the promise of fresh new beginnings is the perfect introduction for young children to the magical renaissance that follows each year’s icy darkness. The narrative zings with exuberance. Though not written in verse, the gently rhythmic text is almost poetic and reads beautifully thanks to its liberal use throughout of well-chosen alliterative and assonant words and phrases, demanding that this book be read aloud.
Effervescent and life affirming; a magical ode to a joyful time. (Picture book. 3-7)
Kirkus Reviews
STARRED REVIEW. This appealing picture book begins with a message for “school bus riders / heading out on a cold, dark morning. / For red-breasted birds / pecking at ice-coated berries, / for all those whose snowsuits have stuck zippers, / and those with their boots on the wrong feet: DO NOT LOSE HEART!” Reminding us that springtime is coming, bringing longer days and warmer weather, the words that follow help listeners envision birds building nests, while children play in parks, walk in the rain, and jump in puddles.
Gracefully worded and a pleasure to read aloud, the free-verse text exudes warmth, vitality, and joy while conjuring up what makes this time of year special. . . An effervescent tribute to spring, this vibrant picture book is sure to please all those who delight in the season.
Carolyn Phelan, Booklist